How to apply lipstick to make lips look bigger | BEAUTY HACKS

by | Jan 26, 2022 | MAKEUP

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Who doesn’t want a fuller-looking lip? That require no new products to apply your lipstick with a new technique. This hack is one of the best!  Let me teach you… 


So this technique comes down to the shape you’re drawing lips in with either lipstick or lip pencil; it doesn’t matter. Using this technique is particularly impactful with darker shade lipsticks. 


First, look at both the images below to see the difference. You may notice on the first image the lipstick is extended right to the entire length of the natural lips, giving the overall lip a slimmer, smaller look; it also enhances downturned lips. 

How to apply lipstick to make lips look bigger

Most of us automatically apply lipstick like this with our mouths slightly open, drawing right to the ends of our lips. I encourage you to grab a mirror and examine your lip shape with your mouth closed. Determine where your lips naturally end and then by looking at the second image where you should stop next time, just short of your natural lip length, with the lower lip not bringing colour too low on the outer corners. 


The ‘cut off’ lines on the image, I’ve shown guide you where the colour should be ending. It’s not a sudden end but a gentle curve to this point. Also, I’ve enhanced the middle section ever so slightly, particularly on the upper lip, to help with the fuller appearance, do as much as you feel comfortable. 


So the general theory is pinched in less colour around the outer ends of your lips and more stretched to the edges near the centre part of the lips. We were almost bending the reality of our natural lip shape yea! 

READ NEXT: Your Guide to Skincare Acids!

Bonus Lip Tips! 


  1. Prevent lipstick marks on wine glasses (I think it looks, cool but if you want to) lick your lips before taking a sip; it works I’ve tried it. 
  2. Lipgloss is your friend for big healthy-looking lips or even plumping glosses. Both work, making your lips look hydrated and adding dimension for the shine, working as a highlighter. 
  3. Luscious lips start with lip care, so having a good lip friendly lip balm handy at all times is vital. I have a few great recommendations here and ingredients to avoid. 


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